Choosing Flowers For Your Wedding

Choosing flowers for your wedding is one of the most important stages of wedding planning and can make the special day have its own flavour. Wether you choose brightly coloured arrangements with sharp reds, oranges and yellows or wether you choose more subtle pastels and whites or light blues, choosing flowers for your wedding make a huge difference to the mood of the day. Be sure to read up on the symbolism of flowers and avoid any negative connotations for example with Hydrangas which represent frigidity and lack of commitment! Dandelions represent cheapness and stinginess where as wet the beds set the marriage up for a whole variety of problems. Not to mention gerbras which symbolise short lived relationships. But don’t get bogged down with superstition, any type of flower is nice in moderation. Roses are always a favourite and come in a great variety of colours these days. The special David Austin roses are a lovely pale yellow with an orange tinge towards the end of the petals and make a stunning centrepiece for any table. You might choose larger tray arrangements for the bridal table itself and go for royal purples, blues and crimsons to add that touch of class. Bright oranges, yellows and reds can give a very fiery, exciting feel to the reception and tend to result in more flamboyance on the dance floor. Sydney wedding band Big Thanks loves to play such weddings and always adds a touch of latin american salsa into the musical mix when we detect such colour themes. The lovely classical white and red rose combinations are evocative of classical music and we advise hiring our string quartet or trio to play as people arrive both at the ceremony and the reception. Mozart, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Bartok, Bach, Chopin and many other great composers will be represented at such high class weddings. The flowers really do say a lot about a wedding and give an atmosphere of life. Be sure to get hold of environmentally friendly flowers that use minimum chemicals and pesticides. Also spare a thought for what might happen to all the flowers after the wedding. Often they are snatched up by your guests, but equally as often they are wasted and simply thrown in the bin. Donating and delivering them to a local nursing home or hospital can be a great way to celebrate the beginning of your married life. Book Big Thanks Wedding band today and advise us of the flower theme you have. We can be colour co-ordinated to make your wedding day look spick and span!

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